the LEAP
A Yearlong Transformational Journey of Embodied Awakening
next opening:
Doorways to Love
March 15-19, 2025
the LEAP
A Yearlong Transformational Journey of Embodied Awakening
next opening:
Doorways to Love
March 15-19, 2025
the LEAP
A Yearlong Transformational Journey of Embodied Awakening
next opening:
Doorways to Love
March 15-19, 2025
This yearlong journey is Azul’s signature transformational program designed to take you on a healing journey of self-discovery to access your true essence and support you to align with your highest potential
You are a powerful being
awakening to your full potential
You feel a nudge for the MORE of life
that is not material, but spiritual. You know there is an evolutionary leap that we are navigating, leading us to a new way of living together on the planet
One that is characterized by the awakening of love
You want to do your part to contribute to the shift and know you can support it by clearing and healing the old so that the new can
birth and love can prevail
If you feel yourself in these words,
this yearlong program is for you
“Leap and the net will appear”
~ Julia Cameron
Taking the LEAP
A transformational journey for personal healing and embodied awakening
- Embrace the opportunity for deep inquiry and healing
- Awaken and access the wisdom held in your body
- Come to peace with the past so you can live more fully in the present
- Free stuck energy with the powerful support of somatic healing
- Discover what your soul is here learning and awaken your highest potential
- Engage with a community of like-minded individuals committed to their own journey
Awakening happens by going in
and through our humanity and releasing the blocks that hold
us back from experiencing
our true essence
the LEAP
Embodied Awakening Program
What is Embodied Awakening?

Embodied awakening is a process of spiritual awakening that involves a deepened awareness of the connection between body, mind, emotion and spirit
It is a holistic approach that emphasizes the importance of integrating the body into your spiritual practice and spirituality into your daily life.
It involves a shift in perception and a sense of interconnectedness with all of creation. It invites the experience of expanded states of consciousness, profound insights and a deep sense of peace and well-being.
Embodied Awakening is an ongoing process of growth, transformation and practice. It is a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth that can help you find greater meaning and purpose in your life.

the LEAP
Program Overview

The LEAP provides a strong container to support and guide your journey throughout the year
The entirety of the program is offered live online, and includes participants from all around the globe.
This powerful program includes:
- Four Immersive 5-Day Retreats
- Eight Monthly Integration Sessions
- Ongoing Support & Community
- Bonus membership in the Azul Portal with daily, weekly, and monthly opportunities to deepen your journey of embodied awakening
HYBRID FORMAT: You have the opportunity to experience the LEAP as a hybrid residential program in Germany. This will give you a chance to attend the program in person with other participants, while connecting online with Amara and the rest of group attending the LEAP from other locations. Contact for more details.
Program Details
Each of the four Retreats is a comprehensive 5-day program that inspires powerful levels of self-knowledge, deep inquiry and healing
Between each retreat we gather for two integration sessions where you will receive ongoing support to continue your healing journey and create lasting positive changes in your life.
There are four entry points annually into the LEAP, with an opening corresponding with each Retreat.
The entire program is delivered by Amara Pagano and a team of Assistants who are certified Azul Teachers.
Click For More Information
Calendar Overview
Entry points for the LEAP can occur with any of the four retreats, so we are including several tenative future dates for you to be able to plan the best starting time for your schedule
- Doorways to Love | March 15-19, 2025
- Monthly Integration Sessions | April 17, May 15
- Monthly Integration Sessions | April 17, May 15
- Portals of Healing | May 31-June 4, 2025
- Monthly Integration Sessions | July 3, August 28
- Monthly Integration Sessions | July 3, August 28
- Healing Masculine and Feminine | September 6-10, 2025 (tentative)
- Monthly Integration Sessions | October & November (dates TBC)
- Integrating Lower and Higher Self | December 6-10, 2025 (tentative)
- Monthly Integration Sessions | January & February (dates TBC)
Retreats are daily 7h long, divided into 2 3-hour sessions:
6am-1pm PDT | 9am-4pm EDT | 3-10pm CEST
Integration Sessions are 1.5h long on Thursdays at:
10-11:30am PDT | 1:00-2:30pm EDT | 7:00-8:30pm CEST
Retreat 1: Doorways to Love
This retreat delves into six core values that, when embodied, awaken love and bring greater health, harmony and well-being into your life.
These values of kindness, honesty, self-responsibility, service, dedication, and beauty provide a foundation to engage in a deep process of healing. As you incorporate these values into your life, personal transformation will result.
Conscious movement allows you to access information that the mind cannot, and begins to unravel the blocks that keep you in old patterns.
The dance opens a way for you to feel and encounter the parts of you that are saying “no” to life. These parts lead to self-sabotage and limit your ability to experience a full-bodied YES to life.
Learn to harness the Power of Yes to create the life you wish to live.

In Doorways to Love you will …
- Explore and integrate the six values that, when embodied, awaken love
- Harness the Power of Yes to guide you towards your soul’s highest purpose
- Discover a renewed sense of connection to yourself and life
- Acquire tools to support your evolutionary journey
- Experience more compassion, more of life and more love in your life
- Access the wisdom of your body through dance
Retreat 2: Portals of Healing
This retreat illuminates the three portals of healing: Mother, Father, and God.
Using the powerful tools of embodiment to access the information stored in your body, you are guided to inquire into these relationships.
Doing so leads to the discovery of what is here for you to learn about your core childhood wound. Identifying this core wound supports your understanding of what your soul is here to learn and grow through, transform and ultimately transcend.
You will come into a new relationship with your biography, clearing the emotional, mental and physical knots along the way.
The dance accesses subtle layers of understanding and awareness, directly into what needs to be felt, expressed, and integrated into your life until the portals are clear and all that is left is love.

In Portals of Healing you will …
- Connect to a sense of gratitude for all you have experienced on your path
- Move towards freeing yourself from the weight of your biography
- Better understand the source of your pain and its place in serving your soul’s journey
- Take a step towards healing your relationships with self and with others
- Reflect upon all that has occurred in the portals of mother, father and god with love
- Discover more about your soul’s purpose in this life
Retreat 3: Healing Masculine & Feminine
The Masculine and Feminine represent two aspects of one energy.
We each possess and express them both, regardless of our biology, social conditioning or gender.
In this retreat, you will experience how masculine and feminine energy patterns express themselves in your life and how they relate to your areas of struggle.
Come to understand the origins of these energy patterns in your own story. In this process of exploration, you will be able to transform these patterns to establish a more harmonious balance in all areas of your life.
Finding the right balance for you will lead to the ability to manifest healthier relationships and experience greater pleasure that is nurturing, positive and uplifting for yourself and others.
The process brings understanding to your soul’s journey and provides tools that facilitate the healing process, opening new pathways for both giving and receiving, leading to a more enriching and fulfilling life.

In Healing Masculine and Feminine you will …
- Receive clear reflection of how masculine and feminine energies express in your life
- Gain embodied understanding of how these energies operate
- Become aware of how the distortions of these energies affect your relationships
- Discover your unique balance of masculine and feminine that reflects your soul’s journey
- Learn practical tools to re-connect to healthy pleasure
Retreat 4: Integrating Lower & Higher Self
This retreat takes you on a journey through a map of Self where you will identify three key elements that stand in the way of living a fully authentic expression of your Higher Self.
Your Childhood Wound prompted multiple layers of defense, identified here as the Lower Self and the Mask–layers of protection that inevitably have led to suffering.
The body cannot lie, and conscious dance strips away the layers of deception, false beliefs and imprinted patterns that hide your truth.
During this loving inquiry, your masks are revealed–the ways you have manipulated your expression of self to create an idealized image–and the uncomfortable realities of your Lower Self are brought to light allowing you to honestly inquire into the nine matrices of gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, pride, lust, fear and deceit.
As you embark on a heart-centered exploration of these parts of yourself, you will experience increased consciousness and opportunities for integration to occur.
Ultimately, you will begin to discover your Higher Self, your main source of wisdom and inspiration, and step more fully into your authentic expression. Accessing your higher self will result in a deeper connection with your own inner guidance.
Your ability to access your personal power will increase.

In Integrating Lower & Higher Self you will…
- Become aware of the subtle ways your Lower Self affects your thoughts and actions in daily life
- Learn how the various masks you wear do not allow your authentic expression
- Acknowledge all parts of yourself and hold them with compassion
- Live more authentically, without hiding behind masks and behaviors that no longer serve
- Access your Higher Self and a deeper connection with your own inner wisdom
Integration Sessions
Between each retreat we gather for two 90-minute integration sessions where you will receive ongoing support to continue your healing journey and create lasting positive changes in your life.
The first session following a retreat will offer opportunities to deepen your inquiry and explore the content that you uncovered during the retreat, supporting the overall integration of the material into your life.
The meeting in the month preceding a retreat will begin the process of opening your system to receive the healing power of the upcoming retreat.
These sessions will include movement and deep inquiry, offering an opportunity to connect with each other in a powerful way between each retreat.
Integration Sessions are 1.5h long on Thursdays at:
10-11:30am PDT | 1:00-2:30pm EDT | 7:00-8:30pm CEST
This is a powerful investment in yourself and your process of awakening.
It is one of the best investments you can make if you wish to embark on a journey of personal transformation that also contributes to the collective shift into a more loving consciousness.
The one-time payment option is $/€4995 and the payment plan includes a deposit of $/€1250 followed by 11 monthly payments of $/€350.
What People Are Saying
“This is the most profound and beneficial work that
I’ve been blessed to explore. Absolutely trust the wisdom of the body to reveal and release all that blocks the full expression
of our soul. ”

— Carol Tonelli, CA
“Nowhere else have I felt such a profound connection between my emotional, psyche and physical body. The process of healing and growing was accelerated by going deep into the body and embodying the truths. Deeply grateful.”

— Ana Noble, Mexico
“This work opened me again to myself and my healing…I arrived again and again at a dance that felt more alive, more joyful, more present and more fun than my healed self had felt in a long time!”

— Sue Usher, Washington
“I am a completely different human than when I started this powerfully transformative journey… I am beyond grateful for the brilliance and intelligence of my body, and of the map and spiral of Azul!”

— Brenda Bernardin, CA
“There is no greater work that I have been involved with. Amara and the LEAP have guided me in becoming aware of and healing the wounds of my heart. The power of The Leap is not only its content, the container that Amara fosters.”

— Maureen Chin, NY
the LEAP
Embark on a Powerful Journey of Embodied Awakening

In This Yearlong Program You Will:
Come to peace with the past so you can live more fully in the present.Shift old patterns that cause suffering and feel more joy, pleasure and prosperity
Discover what your soul is here learning and begin to awaken your highest potential
the LEAP gives you:
A safe space to experience a powerful transformation
Four immersive 5-day retreats
Monthly integration sessions
One year free membership in the Azul Portal
Connection with a supportive and loving global community
Joining is Flexible and Easy
One Payment
Save when you pay in full!
Pay by credit card or bank wire
11 Month Payment Plan
+ Deposit €1250
Get started with a flexible payment plan
Pay by credit card or bank wire

Do you have questions?
Let’s have a conversation to help you determine if this program is right for you. Click the button below to schedule a 20 min call with us
Common Questions About the LEAP
Is it the right program for me?
The LEAP is designed for all people on a path of personal transformation, for movement teachers of all modalities who wish to expand their horizons and for individuals of all ages and walks of life that wish to live life at their fullest potential.
How will I benefit from attending?
This program will help you remove the blocks that prevent you from experiencing love and living your life to its fullest potential. Healing wounds and accessing new information about your soul’s journey and what you are here to learn, will provide clarity about your life purpose and open new possibilities for freedom, joy and self expression.
How does it work?
The LEAP is designed to help you understand your lived experience at the soul level. From this perspective, you can begin to comprehend that the experiences you have had during your lifetime have ultimately served your highest purpose. Everything that arises in your life experience becomes an opportunity for growth.
The power of this work is that it guides you to stand in self-responsibility and the knowing that you are creating your experience in order to learn the lessons your soul is here to learn. Freeing you from blame and being the victim. By standing in self-responsibility you maximize how far you can travel on the spiral of awakening consciousness.
Embodiment practices are so powerful because the intelligence of the body transmits information more quickly and comprehensively than the mind. Unlocking the connection between body, mind, emotion and spirit allows you to penetrate the deepest layers of your being and dissolve the blocks that keep you from living your fullest potential.
Through the process of listening into the body, you will find yourself on a clear path, discovering that at any given time you are exactly where you need to be in order for healing to occur.
Are there any requirements to join the program?
Yes. We ask that you be ready to embark on a journey of this depth. If you meet one or more of the below requirements, you are welcome to join the program:
- You have danced with Amara in person or online for an extended period of time
- You have grounding in conscious dance as a spiritual practice
- You have attended conscious dance workshops and retreats (5Rhythms, Soul Motion or other movement modalities)
- You have experienced other forms of psychological or spiritual healing work
- You are a movement teacher, therapist or healing practitioner
If you do not meet any of the above conditions, please email to discuss your participation
What is the format/daily schedule?
The LEAP online retreats are offered for five consecutive days each. Each retreat is articulated into two 3-hour daily sessions, with a 60 min break in between.
PDT – West Coast USA 6:00am-1:00pm
EDT – East Coast USA 9:00am-4:00pm
CEST – Central Europe 15:00-22:00
We strive to create an environment for participants to have a deep personal experience, as well as a group one. To receive the full benefits of the program, we recommend attending all sessions and clearing your schedule as if you were attending a residential retreat. We cannot guarantee that the break will happen at a specific time, and it is often good for you to take time for yourself before or after the completion of the scheduled activities to journal, rest and integrate the experience of the day.
The Integration sessions are 90 min online monthly meetings.
The entire porgram is delivered by Amara Pagano and a team of Assistants who are certified Azul Teachers.
Is the LEAP only available online?
All sections of the LEAP are broadcast online using Zoom. However, an hybrid 0nline/in-person option is available.
New for 2024 – You will have the opportunity to experience the LEAP as a hybrid residential program in the beautiful Lindenhof center in Tuttlingen Möhringen, Germany. Participants will dance together at a retreat center and connect with Amara and the group online. For those in the CERTIFICATION there are additional options to attend Module 1 and 2 at Lindenhof as well.
Lindenhof is a residential retreat center run by Anna Hagen, a certified Azul Teacher, and she has provided the opportunity for participants to come together at Lindenhof to experience the LEAP with others, following Amara’s teachings online.
This is a hybrid offering, where participants will see the Zoom broadcast of Amara and the other LEAP participants on a large screen, with sound and music filling the space.
You may choose to join Anna at Lindenhof for one, two, three, or all four of the LEAP retreats offered in 2024. The choice is yours, and the experience is certain to be beautiful.
Once you have registered for the LEAP, you may contact Anna Hagen directly to make arrangements for your accommodations and have any questions answered about the center.
Anna Hagen – Lindenhof
Telefon +49 7462 6259
Contact Lindenhof here
Can I register for just one retreat?
No. The safety of the container requires that all participants have committed to the full program.
What technology do I need to attend the sessions?
All sessions will be broadcast LIVE on the online platform Zoom. You can connect through a computer, tablet or smartphone. We recommend that you have an external speaker or Bluetooth wireless headphones or earbuds for the best sound.
Prior to the beginning of the training we will send you detailed instructions, a link and a password. If you are not familiar with Zoom or if you have any other questions, we will be happy to assist you.
What if I can’t attend all integration sessions?
The integration sessions between each retreat are an important part of the process. However we understand that something may happen making it impossible to attend. Sessions will be recorded. If you can’t make it on the day, you will have a possibility to access the video for limited time.