OneDanceTribe Gatherings
Global Online Conferences
To Honor the Teachers
On this page we are happy to profile some of the most exceptional teachers worldwide who have shared their wisdom and knowledge at our events.
We are immensely grateful for their participation and for their generous support that has enriched our online conferences and in-person gatherings
Their presence and invaluable contribution serve as a powerful testament of the spirit of unity and collaboration that inspires our work.
We hope that watching or attending their sessions and exploring their work will inspire and ignite your own evolutionary journey.
Dr. Michael B. Beckwith, USA
Founder and Spiritual Director
Agape International Spiritual Center
Dr. Mark Hyman, MD, USA
Senior Advisor Cleveland Clinic Centerfor Functional Medicine14x New York Times Bestselling Author
Peter Russell M.A., D.C.S, USA
Revolutionary futurist, best-selling author of The Global Brain, teacher and speaker
Dr. Sue Morter, USA
Founder of Morter Institute for Bioenergetics, Bestselling Author
Amara Pagano
Creator of Azul Conscious Movement
Co-founder of OneDanceTribe
Marci Shimoff, USA
#1 New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher
Vincent Martinez-Grieco, USA
Founder of SoulMotion and NextSteps
Andrea Juhan, Ph.D., USA
Co-founder Open Floor International, PhD Movement Therapist
Adam Barley, UK
Founder of ZeroOne, author of Pathways Home
Steve Farrell, USA
Co-Founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team
Lori Saltzman, USA
Founder, Open Floor International
Michael Molin-Skelton, USA
Founder of Movements Matter – Soul Motion & Open Floor Faculty
Ya’Acov Darling Khan, UK
Shaman, Co-Founder The School of Movement Medicine, best-selling Author
Susannah Darling Khan, UK
Co-founder Movement Medicine
Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman, USA
Author of Luminous Life: How the science of light Unlocks the Art of living. Doctor, scientist, mentor
Jonathan Horan, USA
Executive Director ~ 5Rhythms Global
Kate Shela, USA
Co-Founder The 360 Emergence ~ free-form movement spirit driven practice
Amber Ryan, USA
Co-Founder of The 360 Emergence ~ free-form movement spirit driven practice
Adelle Brownlee Brewer and Joanie Brooks, USA
Trainers ~ Nia FreeDance!
Al Lagunero, Hawaii, USA
Celebrated Hawaiian Artist
Alain Allard, UK
Moves into consciousness
Alex Svoboda, Russia and UK
Founder freedomDANCE
Amala Petra Storm, Germany
Open Floor & 5Rhythms
Amy Chang, Hawaii, USA
Hula Flow
Andrew Holmes, UK
Anneli Molin-skelton, USA
Open Floor and co-founder Movements Matter
Ashanna Solaris & Dana Dharma Devi, Maui, Hawaii, USA
Founders of Clarity Breathwork
Atira Tan, Thailand
Somatic Trauma Specialist & Educator
Audicia Lynne Morley RSMT/E, Scotland, UK
Tamalpa Institute
Audrey Boss,UK
Teacher Open Floor & Founder Beyond Chocolate
Banafsheh, USA
Founder Dance of Oneness
Bella Dreizler, USA
Bernice Raabis, Canada
Dance The Medicine & Ecstatic Dance International
Bettina Rothe, Canada
5Rhythms® and Embodied Leadership
Cathy Ryan, Ireland
Faculty of Open Floor & Co-Founder of BISO
Chenxi Ouyang, China
Co-Founder and CEO of Bright & Beautiful
Chris Connors, Ibiza, Spain
Founder of OPO Embodiment, Author of Emotional Intelligence for the modern Leader and The Value of You
Christian de Sousa, UK
Movement Medicine™ movement facilitator, DJ and artist
Christina Pelzer, Germany
Embodied Spirituality Somaja
Christine Warren, USA
Consciousness Teacher
Claudia Pichl, Austria
Open Floor
Claudine Migisha, Democratic Republic of The Congo
Founder Nguvu Ya Africa, Golden Girls Global Leader
Cliff Smyth, USA
Feldenkrais Method
Cyrille Chantereau
Founder of Just Dance With Life©: The Dance of the Present
Daniela Plattner, USA
5Rhythms & Leadership, Co-Founding Partner of Palm Venture Studios
David Juriansz and Meredith Davies, Australia
5Rhythms® Australia
David Mooney, Ireland
Movement Medicine™
Davida Taurek, USA
Dayashakti Geeti, Australia
Soul Motion™
Devorah Bry, USA
Founder HoneyRoot & Soul Motion teacher
Donna Blank, USA
Feldenkrais and Wholebody Focusing
Donnalea Goelz, USA
Executive Director Continuum Movement
Edgar Spieker, Germany
Co-founder Soul Motion InstituteDance Therapist
Ellen Watson, USA
Co-Founder ~ Vibrance Practice
Erik Iversen – Canada
Master of Embodiment and Movement, 5Rhythms® Faculty, & Founder Somatomy™
Eva Alewa Geueke, Hawaii and Germany
Wave Continuum™
Evie O’Brian, New Zealand
Executive Director The Atlantic Institute
Dr. Gabriel Cousens
Founder of the Tree of Life Foundation, doctor, scientist, author, mentor
Gabriella Johanns, Switzerland
Gary Wohlman, USA
Coach & Transformational Body Therapist
Guillaume Laplane, France
5Rhythms® accredited teacher since 2007
Gyan Schulte, Germany
Watsu & WaterDance
Honor Morningstar, Australia
Jamie McHugh, USA
Creator of Somatic Expression® Body Wisdom for Modern Minds
Jennifer Joy Jiménez, USA
Founder of the Health & Wellbeing Division for Brave Thinking™ Institute. Creator or TranscenDance™
Jenny Macke, USA
5Rhythms® & Open Floor
Jens Wazel, Germany
Soul Motion™
Jo Cobbett, USA
Jo Hardy, UK and China
Conscious Dance Space
Jody Mountain, Hawaii, USA
Indigenous Flow & Lomi Lomi Massage
Juliet (Qingzhi) Zheng, China
Co-founder of Bright & Beautiful, Golden Girls Global Leader
Karen Melin, Canada
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Katie Hendricks, USA
Founder Hendricks Institute
Lama Michel Rimpoche, Brasil and Italy
Internationally acclaimed Buddhist Teacher
Lauren Elizabeth Walsh, USA
Co-Founder and CEO of Global Sisterhood
Lei’ohu Ryder & Maydeen ‘Iao – Maui, Hawaii, USA
Founder of AzulSpiritual Leaders, Founders Aloha in Action
Lucian Tarnovski, Ibiza, Spain
Founding Curator of the Unified Planet (UP)
Luis Minero, USA
Evolving Consciousness, Co-Founder ~ Mosaic Wellness & Health
Manuela Welton, Colombia
Golden Girls Global Leader 5Rhythms® Space Holder
Marc David, USA
Author of the best-selling books, Nourishing Wisdom and The Slow Down Diet
Mariah Tuffy, USA
Co-Director of Golden Girls Global
Mark Metz, USA
Executive Director Dance First Association
Mark Walsh, UK
“Mr Embodiment” is the author of Embodiment, Working with the Body in Training and Coaching, and Embodied Meditation.
Dr Martha Eddy, USA
Moving for Life, Author, Somatic Movement Therapist
Mary Lane, USA
Founder of Divine Nourishment, Author, Medicine Woman
Masha Delphenden, Russia and USA
Megha Nancy Buttenheim, USA
Founder, Let Your Yoga Dance
Melissa Michaels, USA
Founder and Director of SomaSource Educational Programs, Golden Girls Global, and Golden Bridge
Michelle Mahrer, Australia
5Rhythms® & Dances of Ecstacy
Mirka Scalco Kraftsow, USA
Founder Viniyogalife & Co-Founder American Viniyoga Institute
Natalie Southgate, Australia
Founder Chakradance
Navasha Daya, USA
Performing Artist, Cultural Arts Activist, Spiritual Advisor
Nitya Konig and Paramita, Brazil
Founders ~ Yeshe School of Self-Knowledge
Parashakti Bat-Haim, USA and Israel
Founder and creator of Dance of Liberation™(DOL). Shamanic Practitioner through Dance
Patricia Varley, USA
Facilitator & Coach
Peter Fodera, USA
Philip Shepherd, USA
Best Selling Author, Founder, The Embodied Presence Process
Philippe Beaufour & Sabine Zweig – Costa Rica and Germany
SuryaSoul® conscious dance and lifestyle practice
Phoenix Onesong Marolda, Australia
SuryaSoul® conscious dance and lifestyle practice
Ramon Gabrieloff-Parish, USA
Environmental Justice Professor, Rites of Passage Guide, SomaSource Leader
Rebecca Ann ChiefEagle, USA
All Nations Gathering Center on the Oglala Lakota Sioux Reservation
Richard Taubinger, USA
Founder and CEO of Conscious Marketer
Robert Ansell, USA
Raven Recording
Rochelle Schieck, USA
Founder Qoya
Ronny Temple, USA
Ruby Wong, China and USA
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Samantha Sweetwater, USA
Founder One Life Cycle and Dancing Freedom™
Sangeet Portalski, Bilbao, Spain
Sarita Rivard Guerrero, Argentina and USA
Author Rites of Passage Guide, SomaSource and Golden Girls Global Leader
Sergio Cruz, Italy and Brasil
Shastro Rodella, Italy
Meditation Teacher, New age Musician and composer
Sikelelwa Waka, South Africa
Co-Founder of the Black Girls Rising
Sofiah Thom, Costa Rica
Founder of Temple Body Arts®, Danyasa, Eco-Retreat and Envision Festival
Stacey Butcher
5Rhythms® & Open Floor
Stefan Laeng, USA
Executive Director Sensory Awareness
Susan Harper, USA
Somatic Inquiry Teacher,Continuum & Expressive Arts
Tasha Blank, USA
The Get Down
Tatiana Kazakova, Ibiza, Spain
Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder of Leaders on Purpose
Teri Carter, USA
Somatic Movement
Tess Howell, UK
WILDMOVES Outdoor 5Rhythms® Dance
Toni Bergins, USA
Founder Journey Dance
Toni Smith, USA
Body-Mind Centering & Infant Development Educator
Tripura Kashyap, India
Co-Founder CMTAI
Valerie Chafograck, USA
Soul Motion
Vangelis Legakis, UK and Hong Kong
Founder Unity Space /Contact Beyond Contact
Ven. Khandro Dhyani Ywahoo, USA
Sunray Meditation Society and Peace Village
Willemijn De Dreu, Netherlands
Open Floor & 5Rhythms
Wren Lafeet and Antje Schafer, USA
Xoli Fuyani, South Africa
Founder Black Girls Rising, 5Rhythms® Teacher, SomaSource and Golden Girls Global Leader
Zoran Todorovic, USA
Creator of the Evolutionary Coaching Institute, Master Certified Coach and Facilitator in TNM Coaching