5Rhythms® and Embodied Leadership
Bettina Rothe, trained 5Rhythms teacher that has a special focus on Leadership Embodiment and bringing these skills to the workplace. She is located in Vancouver BC. Bettina holds a degree in Psychology and in her mid-twenties began to study various healing movement arts, bodywork, meditation and shamanic practices. She was trained by Gabrielle Roth, creator of the 5Rhythms® conscious dance practice, over many years of intensive studies. Bettina has been facilitating classes and workshops internationally as a licensed 5Rhythms® teacher since 1999.
Bettina has been involved in Leadership Development since 2008 and been particularly interested in developing ways to lead effectively with body, mind and heart. She trained with Wendy Palmer as a Leadership Embodiment Coach and is an Associate of Leadership Embodiment International. Bettina designs programs for organizations and community groups on how to use the body as a resource for greater leadership.