Azul Conferences

Power up the intelligence of the body and support the passage we are making towards a new way of living together on the planet!

Welcome to the Global Embodied Movement!

Learn from stellar interdisciplinary faculty and explore different ways to balance the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives. Experience how these aspects can complement each other in the process of personal growth and evolution.

The Vision of the Conferences

The Azul Conferences are global online events that gathers experts in a variety of fields, contributing to the exploration of consciousness.

They provide a wealth of information and a variety of perspectives on the topic of evolutionary consciousness.  They include contributions in the field of conscious dance, somatic practices, embodied awakening, spirituality, nutrition, conscious dying, indigenous wisdom and many more.

The Conferences are being offered to promote a deeper understanding of the relationship between the physical and spiritual aspects of life, and to explore various methods and practices for embodied awakening.

By bringing together a diverse range of perspectives and approaches, the Conference is also designed to foster greater understanding and appreciation for different cultural and spiritual traditions, and promote a sense of interconnectedness and community.

Azul Conferences

Access the archives of our four online Global Conferences and download the audio and video recordings of over 150 sessions.

Exploring the individual sessions could be a life changing experience!

Now on demand, from the comfort of your home!

Embodied Awakening Conference 

A Conference exploring the new concept of Embodied Awakening, a term coined by Amara Pagano to represent the intersection between spiritual awakening and embodiment practices.

Embodied Movement

A multi-disciplinary conference exploring the connections between conscious movement and embodiment.

OneDanceTribe Global Retreat

A 5-day conscious movement retreat with 32 international teachers offered online. 

Conscious Dance Conference 

The first online global conference on Conscious Dance featuring school founders of all modalities.

The Azul Conferences are an ideal source of information and inspiration for people who believe that personal transformation can create collective impact and support the evolutionary shift into a new way of living together on planet Earth.

What attendees are saying about the Azul Conferences

My inner essence is glowing and joyfilled… Such brilliance! New experience for me, movement dance and Zoom. Miraculously, with your guidance, encouragement, support, nurturing and love, I am now basking in an abundance of light in, through and around all my cells in my being and lifeforce outward. My life made a jump to a new groove.”

— Jewels Marshall, USA

It’s hard to find words to express all the gratitude that I feel to You for this event! The feelings, the experience, the thoughts – everything during the Conference and afterwards is so meaningful and important to me! Thank You for such great work that You’ve done to make this Conference happen!”

— Hanna Karziuk, Belarus

“Bowing with Gratitude with all I have received…
with my limited wifi in Mexico. This HAS touched, energized and reignited MY Path of self discovery through Movement. feel deeply thankful and I am amazed about what You have held in this conference with such generosity and integrity”

— Silvia Kohen, Mexico/USA

I am soo fascinated by your selection of teachers. I am also struck by the compassion, the gentleness of how you speak with each other and much much more! I started up on your conference not knowing anything about you all. By now your conference has become like an OASIS in the desert for me!!!”

— Anette Von Leipzig, Denmark

“BIB BIG thank you for organising the Conference… I have watched the recordings of a lot of the sessions and the thing in common with all of them is the LOVE that is shared so freely.

— David Chauncy, Australia

What you will receive from
the Azul Conferences

Embodied Tools

for navigating life with greater ease

Live Interaction

with an amazing team of teachers and experts


to help remember who we are and our potential


with a global community of like hearted people


of how your body intelligence can support awakening


to new cutting edge healing modalities

Highest Level Facilitation

provided by a stellar interdisciplinary faculty

Direct Experience

of the body’s place in the journey towards awakening

Yearly Membership



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Monthly Membership