A Weekend
In-Person Workshop
with Amara Pagano
Rome, Italy
4-6 April 2025
The NEW is whispering to us… Explore your inner resources to navigate the shift
We have arrived at a point in our collective journey of Embodied Awakening where giving conscious attention to the NEW can be a more active part of our spiritual practice.
The old systems are no longer working, and we are a part of the change that is manifesting.
We have been tending to much of that OLD which has been healing in and through us.
While there is still work to be done in clearing OLD, we gather to acknowledge this new stage of awakening, where the NEW is whispering to us … asking us to both clear the old and actively open to the new.
This is a journey of transformation.

Embodied Awakening is living life as a spiritual practice
Opening in this way requires taking personal steps in our daily lives that serve to co-create the NEW that is emerging.
This workshop is a space to explore and nurture the new, and our role in its emergence, through our conscious movement practice.
By actively anchoring several practices of Opening and Centering we gather the inner resource needed to navigate this shift.
Together we will begin to feel the way the NEW wants to express in each of our lives. Asking ourselves the question – what are the new patterns emerging that I can consciously support through my embodiment practice and in my daily life?
Serve your own well being
and contribute to our evolutionary leap
Meet Amara Pagano

Amara Pagano is a leader and innovator in the world of conscious dance. She has been teaching movement as spiritual practice for over 30 years and has led thousands of students on a journey of embodied awakening.
She is the founder of Azul and offers workshops, retreats and teacher trainings internationally.
“I am passionate about harnessing the body’s intelligence to support awakening our highest potential as spiritual and human beings. I believe that we are in a delicate and important passage of our life on this planet, and that it is time to rise and move towards a new way of living together.”
what people are saying
“I can really say…
that Amara’s work changed my life in many ways. Thank you so much!”
Barbara Birk
“Amara has a powerful way…
of holding space, I am able to do the most profound work with her.”
Sam Bean

An Azul Workshop with Amara Pagano
via Assisi n.33
Friday to Sunday
4-6 April 2025
Friday 20:00-22:30
Saturday 11:00-18:00
Sunday 11:00-17:00
Cristina Crescenzi
Email: cristina.pathofazul@gmail.com
Tel. (+39) 346 3047625
Online Registration
Full weekend €250
Open Friday Night €30