the LEAP Program
Terms and Conditions
Terms of Sale
Your credit card charge will be in the name of Azul Productions LLC.
Cancellation policy
If you cannot attend a retreat – your participation can be transferred to the same module the following year free of charge.
If you cannot continue and cancellation is the only option – a 500 cancellation fee applies in addition to the tuition due.
Tuition due is proportional to the number of retreats attended – 25% for cancellation after the first retreat, 50% after the second, 75% after the third.
If you cancel before attending any retreat a 250 cancellation/administration fee applies.
Intellectual Property
All program recordings are for private use only.
All images and content are copyright and intellectual property of Azul Productions, LLC and may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten, redistributed, shared on social media, played publicly or used for commercial gain without prior written authorization of Azul.
Confidentiality Agreement
In order to create a safe and protected environment for all participants, we request that al personal information shared by other participants in the course of an Azul program be kept confidential and not be shared outside the container provided during the program.
Liability Waiver
You acknowledge that participation in any Azul Program involves physical movement and you affirm that you are in sound physical condition and able to attend.
You understand that participation in any session or activity offered through Azul is voluntary on your part, and that there are inherent risks of accidents or injuries, which you assume for yourself. You take full responsibility for establishing, maintaining and appropriately expressing your own physical and emotional boundaries. You also take full responsibility for your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.
You agree that all activities you undertake during any Azul Program shall be your entire responsibility, and that Azul Productions LLC shall not be liable for any damages or injuries to your person or property, including damages or injuries resulting from acts of negligence on the part of Azul.
In consideration of your acceptance as a participant in such activities, you expressly waive, release, and hold harmless Azul Productions, LLC, its officers, employees, faculty and successors, from any obligations, liabilities, claims, demands, costs, and expenses, during or after your participation in programs or sessions offered by Azul. You further agree that Azul Productions LLC make no express warranty that the programs or sessions will have any particular effect or benefit.
You hereby affirm that you have read, fully understand and accept the above before joining any Azul program
The Azul programs offer the opportunity to receive information, tools and instructions. The purpose of the materials included in the sessions is to convey information and it is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition.
You acknowledge that Azul is not engaged in rendering any other kind of professional services that include health and medical advice or diagnosis of your physical, emotional and psychological condition.
You also agree to consult your medical, health or other competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions received in the Azul programs.
Azul specifically disclaims all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this online program.
In the event you use any of the information contained in the Azul programs, the authors, producers and faculty assume no responsibility for your actions and Azul and Mandala Productions, LLC are not liable for any personal injury or loss caused by your use or misuse of the program content.