
to Azul

A Path to Embodied Awakening

For spiritual seekers and conscious movers to use the body as a vehicle for awakening

Upcoming Programs

Saturday Live Class with Amara

This an opportunity to restore the flow of energy in our bodies, release accumulated tensions and feel the joy and freedom of movement

May 11


Entry into the Azul Teacher Training Program designed to support your personal and professional transformation

May 18-19

Rome In-Person

3 days of exploring embodied awakening, and our role in its emergence, through our conscious movement practice

May 24-26

What Is Azul?

a Path – a Practice – a Community

Azul is a transformational practice that utilizes the body’s intelligence as a tool for healing, fostering a deeper connection to oneself, others and the cosmos.

We serve all individuals interested in their evolutionary journey, offering live online and in-person classes, retreats, and trainings worldwide.

What  People  Are  Saying

It’s the most transformational work I have done to date – and I’ve done a lot of work! My heart is softer, I feel more compassion for myself and others. I’m more connected and embodied in this world!”

– Gayle Zalduondo, USA


“This is some of the most profound and beneficial work that I’ve been blessed to explore. To do this in the company of others dancing their own journey, we experience the truth of our oneness, we move to freedom and love that is our essence.

– Carol Tonelli USA


“Azul is a transformational path that leads us home to the unconditional love and light within us through embodiment. The dance floor is where I can be me and truly surrender. What a blessing!”

– Esther Leivia, USA


Try a FREE Azul Movement Experience

Experience the freedom of your body in motion!

Check out the power of movement to:

  • Release your stress
  • Awaken your body
  • Free your life force

Membership Portal

A Membership Community to experience joy and freedom of movement through dance as a spiritual practice

Embodied Awakening Programs

SEP 6 – 11, 2024


An Embodiment Program with 5-Day Live Immersion and 3 Months of Integration.

It offers an in-depth exploration of the Spiral Map of Azul and focuses on conveying an embodied understanding of each of its 10 components.

Embodying these teachings facilitates the evolutionary process and the awakening of consciousness. This program will help you move towards experiencing love in every aspect of your life, expressing your gifts and realizing your highest potential.


the LEAP

A yearlong transformational journey for personal healing and embodied awakening.

It is Azul’s signature transformational program designed to take you on a healing journey of self-discovery to access your true essence and support you to align with your highest potential.

Embodied Awakening is an ongoing process of growth, transformation and practice. It is a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth that can help you find greater meaning and purpose in your life.



The CERTIFICATION is Azul’s teacher training program, a 2-year transformational journey.

It is designed to support your personal and professional growth and help you align with your highest purpose.

This experience offers exceptional learning opportunities and skill development, professional training and a personal growth journey that represents a mutual commitment and investment towards becoming a channel of awakening love in the world.


Embodied Awakening is the union of mind

body heart and soul