I woke up this morning thinking about how the baby at birth is a wide open system with free flowing breath and an undefended responsiveness to the world.
During birth, infancy and childhood we experience some aspects of life that are unsafe, wrong and painful. In the attempt to avoid pain, we shut down the full flow of life through our bodies.
Part of our healing as adults is to open again and allow life to move through us. It seems a cosmic joke that in this realm we encounter the hurts and traumas that create the walls around our hearts, only to engage in a healing journey to take them down again.

I learned that all the material needed for our healing exists inside of the three portals of Mother, Father and God, where we find the core wounds that our soul is here to transform. These wounds are the ones we keep re-experiencing in our lives and also bring into our relationships. We can trace the negative situations and feelings we have in the present back to these portals.
Healing occurs when we are able to integrate these wounds.
Integration occurs when understand and feel what we were unable to feel at the time of the wounding. Healing is a process of feeling and understanding. The body is an amazing resource for this because it is the place where all the feelings are stored. The body is like a storage bin for all our undigested experiences.
In the dance we are able to make contact with this material, process it and eventually free the stuck energy. The dance opens the storage bin and gives us access to what was denied. The information that rises in us when we are moving is like gold.
Our bodies actually give us the information we need in order to fulfill our purpose in this lifetime.
Diving into the three portals using the dance as the vehicle for exploration, supports coming to completion with the past. There are many of us who are down to very subtle layers of healing. Many are very close to the last layers protecting our hearts and blocking that free flow of life.
I invite you to come and join me in the work of the Portals of Healing.
It could be an invaluable step towards Life.
Portals of Healing is a part of the Azul Trilogy Program. We invite you to check it out and see how this powerful container can support you to align with your highest potential.