I am blown away by what is happening as a result of the protests. Reforms to policing that have been waiting to happen for decades are finally being made into law. Defunding of police departments and redistribution of funds towards education and community services is becoming a possibility.
It is amazing to see what protest can do. America was founded on protest and it feels, for the first time in a long time, that the will of the people still has some power. I am in awe of the global solidarity that is emerging around Black Lives Matter.
Until all of us are free, none of us are free.

It is a great time to support the efforts of those who are working on the ground to change the systems that are perpetuating racism. It is eye opening and heart wrenching to learn more about how much injustice has happened and is happening towards blacks.
I am grateful to be in a position to make donations and support the efforts made on the outside to shift the systems. I am also committed to looking inside of myself and in our collective consciousness, to ask myself: what can “I” and “we” do internally to change this?
As I do this, I keep coming to the root of dealing with fear. Through honest inquiry, I am able to feel my own fear of the power of black people. The fear of what I perceive as their raw, authentic selves. A fear that they may have something I do not have, and want. This is not conscious. But as I feel through the layers, I come to these hidden truths.
And when I broaden my listening to include the collective, I can see that our fear of the other – our fears around difference – and our fear of others’ power is precisely what fuels racism. I can see the belief that, if we are to have, the other cannot have. That we have to keep the other down in order for us to rise.
This belief is not part of the new story that wants to be written now. We are in the process of writing a new story, where we understand that we are all connected, and when you rise, I rise. And – if we respect the balance of nature – that there is enough for everyone.
We have to look at our beliefs and how they contribute to racism. The belief that the only way to have power is to have power over something or someone else, is not true. My power is not determined by my control over you. My own power comes from a place inside of me. A power that nothing on the outside can secure.
If I am able to stand in my power, then I do not have to take yours. And you can be free to fully realize yours. This is freedom. This is freedom for both of us.
This is part of what is moving me.
It is a time to listen and feel what is being stirred – to allow the deeper seeing of what moves in the shadows – and to open our hearts in compassion to all that is happening.
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