Your embodied awakening

Watch this short video and learn how awakening – when embodied, has the potential to change the way we experience  reality.

Embodiment is a source of connection, refuge and knowing, and also a path to creating a shift. It is really helpful right now in our world…

Embodiment is much more than just being in your body.

It is a path for you to make the being that is in your body visible. It is a path for your soul to experience itself, and to serve and express in this world.

That is embodiment.

And it’s really needed right now. Maybe you can feel that your life is nudging you towards a greater version of you. Embodiment helps support that. Particularly the whole Spiral map of Azul, is supporting this – supporting your embodied awakening.

The MOVEMENT MAP Embodiment Program is like getting a homeopathic dose of each of the components that make up this spiral map of Azul. A homeopathic dose that activates something in your system. It is like receiving an embodied blueprint for awakening!

I love the Embodiment Program because it feels really good. It is pleasurable… and you end up feeling more spacious and open and more connected to yourself and to love. So you’re welcome and invited to join. We can be embodied warriors of light and peace

I hope you will consider joining the MOVEMENT MAP Embodiment Program and explore thorough movement what embodiment means for you.

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