Science meeting Embodiment

Science meeting Embodiment

In this short video Amara shares her insights on the growing scientific research that recognizes the importance of embodiment in our collective awareness. We witness a shift towards acknowledging the body’s intelligence in healing and well-being. Learn how the...
Grace of a Healing Journey

Grace of a Healing Journey

Learn about the grace of a healing journey which transforms wounding into gifts through the process of purification and integration. In this short video Amara Pagano shares her perspective on coming closer to the expression of love that we are and recognizing the...
What does it mean to be a Witness?

What does it mean to be a Witness?

Listen to Amara Pagano as she shares about the sacred task of being a witness through the lances of Azul conscious movement. Learn about the importance of being seen and held. It is what creates a space for the process and for the magic to happen....