Wealth of inspiration
This Blog shares Amara’s teaching and reflection of Azul
Your embodied awakening
Watch this short video and learn how awakening - when embodied, has the potential to change the way we experience reality. Embodiment is a source of connection, refuge...
Pearls from the Embodied Movement Conference
During the Embodied Movement Conference many beautiful seeds have been planted... To bring back good memories, we put together a compilation of gems by our presenters....
Seeds of change for a new world
Enjoy this video that shares the culmination moment of the Embodied Movement Conference. The Conference was a free collaborative evet during which we explored the power...
Embodying the Self
Understand what Embodiment is and learn how you can benefit from occupying your body. It is a bite size video to enjoy quickly! So take a moment now and check it out...
Aletia Alvarez – USA
Soul Motion™
Power of Yes
Check out this short video blog and let’s begin to explore the Power of Yes together. YES supports us to be in agreement with life and our ability to cultivate our YES...
Movement Meditation ~ Breath Opening
We welcome you to Azul with this offer of 10 minute movement meditation that you can do anytime … This practice supports opening the system of the body for your...
Interview with Jonathan Horan at the Conscious Dance Conference
I want to share my interview with Jonathan Horan to bring you on the inside of the experience of the Conscious Dance Conference. I loved the opportunity to spend time...
Map of Integrating Lower and Higher Self
I invite you to check out this short video that shares the path of the soul to awaken the inner leader. Learn why it is sometimes confusing inside of us and not so easy...
Pearl of Wisdom – Shift of Ages
Enjoy this Pearl of Wisdom that is meant to give inspiration to your day. It is only a few minutes and perhaps will lighten your load or give you a new perspective....
Movement Meditation ~ Spiral to awaken the body
Give yourself the gift of movement and restore your energy! I invite you to take 10 minutes and dance to this Movement Meditation to revitalize and inspire the rest of...
Five minutes that may change your life
Do you have a few minutes? If so, I suggest you watch this short video testimonial and see what participants say about the Azul Teacher Training Program. The...
Video message about your soul’s journey
Enjoy this short video that asks and answers some good questions about our soul’s journey… I hope you can take a look!Explore your connection with the very source of...
Enjoy this short video that shares my personal insights on embodiment and its value for our daily life.For me the term embodiment is more than just being in the body,...
Video invite to Azul Embodiment Training
Why embodiment matters? In our modern world we suffer from being disconnected from the wisdom of our body and our heart. Embodied movement gives you a clear path to...
Something is in the air
There is definitely something in the air … It has actually been there for a while but, as time goes by, it is becoming more and more visible and obvious: the world...
Experience of Gratitude and Transcendence supported by the dance
Enjoy this personal sharing that speaks about the power of movement to support the experience of gratitude and transcendence.There is a place we can reach in the dance...
Are you ready to free yourself from negative patterns
As we go through life, we may come to a place where we are able to observe behavioural patterns that unintentionally hurt ourselves or others. We may also notice that...
Holding the complexity of it all
I have been grappling with some big questions lately ... One of the loudest is: how can we overcome the increasingly polarized situation reflected in the upcoming US...
What can I / we do internally to be a part of change?
I am blown away by what is happening as a result of the protests. Reforms to policing that have been waiting to happen for decades are finally being made into law....
Video sharing about Allowing Transformation
I would like to share a short video from the online workshop Allowing Transformation. It contains some inspiration about what is unfolding in our world. I hope you will...
Movement experience and prayer from the online dance
Enjoy this video that shares a short movement experience and prayer from the Azul Live Class.I am feeling super grateful for the opportunity to dance with you on Live...
Video blog on Fear and Trust and how to stay centered
This short video blog was created from the Fear & Trust workshop. I encourage you to listen and receive the message as well as the breathing meditation at the end....
Shifting from fear to trust
I have just flown from Zurich to NYC and dealing with all the considerations due to Coronavirus. It has been an interesting study in fear and trust. There is natural...
Four Orientations of Azul to support your dance and life
In this short video I speak about the Azul Orientations as a GPS for Life. See how they can support you.We are in the midst of transformation and life is giving us an...
Simple Centering Practice
As we enter the Holiday season, I would like to share something that I find very helpful that can support you in this joyous and sometimes stressful time ~ finding...
The Brain and Consciousness
I have been exploring some of the fascinating studies made by scientists and researchers on consciousness and the brain showing their relation and influence on our...
Healing the Masculine and Feminine
I have been reflecting about the work of healing the masculine and feminine lately. It is a worthy topic and a hot exploration that generates some deep inquiries. It...
4 Keys to Conscious Dance
Enjoy these 4 Keys to Conscious Dance. Learn why conscious dance is not really about dancing and how to find your way into the experience of conscious dancing.It is a...
Align with your highest potential! Azul Trilogy journey
Align with your highest potential and create a life that is more fun, exciting and filled with love. This short video shares the benefits and highlights of the Azul...