Wealth of inspiration

This Blog shares Amara’s teaching and reflection of Azul

Pearl of Wisdom – Shift of Ages

Pearl of Wisdom – Shift of Ages

Enjoy this Pearl of Wisdom that is meant to give inspiration to your day. It is only a few minutes and perhaps will lighten your load or give you a new perspective....

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Enjoy this short video that shares my personal insights on embodiment and its value for our daily life.For me the term embodiment is more than just being in the body,...

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Something is in the air

Something is in the air

There is definitely something in the air … It has actually been there for a while but, as time goes by, it is becoming more and more visible and obvious: the world...

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Holding the complexity of it all

Holding the complexity of it all

I have been grappling with some big questions lately ... One of the loudest is: how can we overcome the increasingly polarized situation reflected in the upcoming US...

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Shifting from fear to trust

Shifting from fear to trust

I have just flown from Zurich to NYC and dealing with all the considerations due to Coronavirus. It has been an interesting study in fear and trust. There is natural...

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Simple Centering Practice

Simple Centering Practice

As we enter the Holiday season, I would like to share something that I find very helpful that can support you in this joyous and sometimes stressful time ~ finding...

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The Brain and Consciousness

The Brain and Consciousness

I have been exploring some of the fascinating studies made by scientists and researchers on consciousness and the brain showing their relation and influence on our...

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Healing the Masculine and Feminine

Healing the Masculine and Feminine

I have been reflecting about the work of healing the masculine and feminine lately. It is a worthy topic and a hot exploration that generates some deep inquiries. It...

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4 Keys to Conscious Dance

4 Keys to Conscious Dance

Enjoy these 4 Keys to Conscious Dance. Learn why conscious dance is not really about dancing and how to find your way into the experience of conscious dancing.It is a...

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My delicious experience of home

My delicious experience of home

I am having the delicious experience of being home.  It helps me remember how much home holds me and gives me a place to rest. And how valuable all this is. I have been...

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Portals of Healing

Portals of Healing

If life is a journey of awakening love, there is no faster route than to work inside the portals of Mother, Father and God, since our relation with these three portals...

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Bringing light to the shadow

Bringing light to the shadow

I want to share with you about the work of Integrating Lower and Higher Self. I thought it might support you in understanding the journey of bringing light to the...

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Reflections by the beach

Reflections by the beach

Recorded moment of reflections on where we are at in the journey…Can you relate?The Path of Azul guides us through a transformational journey to experience fulfillment...

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A Cosmic Joke

A Cosmic Joke

I woke up this morning thinking about how the baby at birth is a wide open system with free flowing breath and an undefended responsiveness to the world. During birth,...

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